Acting with the principle that "Each transportation service is a step towards development." Burkan increases its service standards day by day for customer satisfaction. Burkan effectively evaluates the feedbacks from the customers and updates its business processes based on these feedbacks and improves the quality and standards of its services day by day. Setting the identification of the emerging demands of customers in parallel with the developing technology and fulfilling these demands as a principle for its operations, Burkan continuously and systematically tries to improve all processes regarding the provision of services to its customers. The basic principle of Burkan regarding customer satisfaction is establishing long term business relationships is as important as finding new customers.
Committing to careful, fast and safe transportation in all transportation processes, Burkan also acts with maximum carefulness and customer satisfaction principle for landscape product transportation. Burkan is one of the leading firms in landscape product transportation with its long-year of expertise and sector experience- .
More...Complying with the legislation and procedures and making no concessions regarding licensed and safe transportation in all transportation processes, Burkan also transports your inflammable and caustic chemical materials in a safe way. Burkan has the experience and equipments to perform the organization of transportation
More...Acting with the principles of low cost, fast and on time delivery, regular information flow and maximum safety principle regarding partial transportation by road, Burkan responses to all your transportation needs regardless of size, weight and type of goods. Providing solutions for all your transportation needs on Turkey-Italy route with its team experienced in storage, packaging and customs transactions,
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